





Don't let go

Insipid life may bury love in the bottom of my heart, is easy to be ignored. When the survival comes, however, to save you, is the love which you ignore.

Ya ya is an ordinary little girl in the poor mountainous areas, father to livelihoods perennial work, at home only brother, mother, HKUE amec and she lived alone.

Life is very dull, twinkling of an eye, it's old elder brother go to school, mother send elder brother go to school, but leave her at home. Ya ya doubt mother not in love with her. Otherwise, why not let her go to school but also to keep their help to do the housework at home.

Days from day to day in the past, ya ya watched every child go to school in the village, only she stay at home alone, she asked her mother, why not let her go to school, mother said not enough money for two tuition, wait to earn enough money to send her to school. In this way, the resentment of ya ya mother also gradually increased, with the eccentricity of the mother, also ignore the mother. Sometimes, the mother called her to do household chores, she pretended to hear, ran to the door for her young trees play.

Young trees was born in the ya ya, dad in front of the door and say for her growth. Young trees and elegant is the same age, is also the father gave her the only gift. Young trees ya ya very cherish and care, young trees grow very well, leaves are flourishing. From day to day, silent, often sitting near the tree and the sapling chat Dream beauty pro, speak their mind, to vent their emotions, softly sobbing.

One evening, ya ya feeding livestock in the courtyard, occasionally looked up and saw a pair of black before the village of corrugated poured in to the village, she shout loudly: "mom, you see what's that?" Not for a moment, the ripples have spread instantly. Peng, it broke through the front of the fence. Ya ya was scared, crying, surrounded by a water ya ya, the mother brought her hold, and strive to put the two presidents to the front of the young trees. At this time, the water becomes urgent, mother looked at, they hold up, let her to climb to the top of the tree to safety, survival instinct let ya ya quickly caught the trunk, and social climbers, and slowly climbed to the tree didn't stop in the middle. Floods are rising, ya ya hurry called mother also climbed up the tree and mother know, young trees that can't bear the weight of the two people, and mother has been unable to when lift ya ya.

In the jet stream, small trees in the shaking, the water also flooded to the mother's waist, mother looked at the little tree deeply ya ya, eyes reveal a deep emotion, then told ya ya: "ya ya, the water is very urgent, anyway, don't ever let go, clutched the trunk." Say that finish, I let the holding hands. In turbulent flow, instantly, bury the figure of the mother. Ya ya also have no reaction to what's going on, the mother was gone, and cried in horror, the mother, mother's response.

Water continued to rise, and flooding to the feet of the ya ya, ya ya was afraid, and tired hungry. Ya ya hands clutched the trunk, never let go Dream beauty pro, because she still remember my mother said to her at the end of the sentence "don't let go.

The next day, a vast expanse of water in the village, rescue workers found a tree ya ya, just to rescue her down. When rescuers picked her up, hand still clinging to the trunk. Rescue workers can only comfort while break ya ya hands slowly. Ashore, elegant and still trying to find the mother's shadow. But she doesn't know is that her mother was in search of the lost forever in the list.

Missing is not only a mother, and she doesn't have time to find love...


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