





Why Beauty Is Not About the Makeup, But Accepting Yourself

1. There is nothing wrong with us.
“What other people think of me is none of my business.”

—Wayne Dyer

Truthfully we shouldn’t live our lives according to the wrong perception of others. There is nothing wrong with us. Even if we are suffering an ailment or have a physical deformity, our body is not who we are but only a physical representation of elements of our soul. Trying to look through lenses of purity at what value exists within us makes us love ourselves more and ignore others’ opinions. Who you are moreover is who are meant to be rather than what others see you to be, and the more you understand this, the more you realize that nothing is wrong with you.

2. Accepting yourself means others will learn to accept you
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”

—Kurt Cobain

By accepting yourself, you overcome issues regarding self esteem and become unstoppable in making others love you for who you are. By being positive about who you are, you suddenly become a magnetic force and define how others treat you for who you genuinely are.

3. You face the world boldly.
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

—Lucille Ball

Somehow nature favors the bold, rather than those who hide their inferiority with grooming or make-up. By facing your weakness with your strength, you find the inner energy to build on who you are and attain your goals. The world accepts your courage and gives you the opportunity you need to grow.

4. You learn who your real friends are.
No one wants to look good for a few friends who are more concerned about your outer appearance rather than who you really are from within. By accepting yourself you learn to filter those who are meant to be with you for the whole nine yards rather than some friends who are more akin with your physical looks.

5. You become more beautiful on the inside.
By accepting yourself for who you are, you can act on who you are on the inside. With all respect to the well groomed people and made-up faces out there, accepting yourself will only give you more time to nourish your inner beauty and become a better person. You can thus focus on priorities and actions that are devoid of feelings like hatred and jealousy and being true and good to yourself.

6. You can face life’s changes.
Whether we want it or not, we won’t remain young and static. We would grow older and have older faces. By accepting yourself you are able to prepare your mindset for whatever changes on your outer world that will come rather than be stunned or petrified by them.

7. You are happier.
Inner beauty defines true happiness. What else do you need to offer you a smile daily except a positive spirit, a good heart and an acceptance of who you are? Self contentment has never betrayed its owners, from Mother Theresa to Mahatma Gandhi. And it won’t betray you also.


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